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S (Daniel) (6)



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    Author: S (Daniel)


    JOIThSS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>S (Daniel), ProfeSSor of PhDnticS n tVni verSit’; of rOt1(Cfl The Pron’nciation anti orthogra4y of t,iié Caindau 1angnao. pp. 3M. eO. i2i2!a’ 111.

    Card ID: 314

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    Author: S (Daniel)


    JONiSS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>S (Daniel), irofeor of :horieticS in the UniverSity Q indon. ee ?iSS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>SSS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>SY (Pu1). The ound of the trench 1anguae: their formation, combination and repreentatiUn. . .TrnS1ated by D.L. avory nd D.JoneS. Oxford, 1907. SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Second edition, reviSed. Oxford, 1933.

    Card ID: 317

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    Author: S (Daniel)


    PARSS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>SOJ]SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>S (Daniel) SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>See SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>SLINGSS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>SBY (i Henry), The Diary of SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Sir Henry SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Slingaby... and extractS £ronl Lamily correSponctenc€ arid paperS, with noticeS, and a genealogical nieraoir, ‘by D.ParSonS. London i836.

    Card ID: 388

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    Author: S (Daniel)


    PMI co TII1EN3SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>S (Daniel). SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>See CORVINUSS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>S (JoarineS A.) DefenSio Sententiae Tacobi Arininii, de prdeStinatione, gratia Del, libero hominiS arbitrio, &c. AdverSuS eluSdern, a ci. v. Danielo Tileno...editam conSidera— tionem. Ex officina loanniS Patij: Lyden, 1613.

    Card ID: 189

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    Author: HOME (Daniel Dungi as s)


    cjciHOME (Daniel Dungi aS S). (L1ghtS and SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>ShadowS of $pirituaiiSm — French. 3 LeS LuiriireS et leS ombreS duSirit1uaflime. Tracluit de 1ang1aiS, avec preface par H. iS. Luberne. pp. (4) + ix + 278. 8°. PariS, 1883. [Another copy.) - ITLP. L.)

    Card ID: 235

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    Author: S (Augustus Daniel)


    fl2fSS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>S (AuguStuS Daniel). * On a new apecieS of HalobateS, a genuS of Pelagic Herniptera, etc. 1ndon, 1936. SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>See LONDON. [III. LaSce1leouS InStitutionS SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>SocietieS, etc.j BritiSh JiuSeurn. Natural HiStory DepartmentS. The John Murray expedition, l933-. SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Scientific reportS. Vol. 4. No. 2.

    Card ID: 153