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RIDDLE (Donald Wayne) (2)
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RIDDLE, Donald Wayne
COLL, Ernest Cadman and RIDDLE, Donald Wayne
Author: RIDDLE (Donald Wayne)
Riddle (Donald Wayne) See coLWELr1 (Ernest C.) and Riddle (Donald vi.) Prolegomena to the study of the lectionary text of the Gospels. [By various authors.] Edited by E.C.Colwell and-D.W.Riddle. Chicago, 1933.
Card ID: 56
Author: COLL (Ernest Cadman) and RIDDLE (Donald Wayne)
r4O c-ot COLL (Ernest Cadman) and Riddle (Donald Wayne). Prolegomena to the study of the lectionary text.of’the Gospels [Byvarious authors.j Edited by E.C.Colwell and D.W.Riddle. (Studies in the_Lecti.naryT.xt of the Greet New Testament, 1.) PP. (10) + 161. 8°. Chicago, 1935.
Card ID: 265