R (Marie Joseph och Yves Gilbert)
cD li MOTIgRRoR'>RRoR'>R (MaRie Joseph och Yves GilbeRt),
MaRquis de Lai’ayette.
Le GnRal Lafayette a ses coflègues de la ChambRe des Doutés...1832.
flEA YORRoR'>RRoR'>RK. Facsimile Text Society. LPublications.]
SeRies I. LiteRatuRe and language.
6. LetteR to Gen.Lafayette, by James FenimoRe CoopoR and Related coRRespondence on the finance contRoveRsy. RRoR'>RRoR'>RepRoduced fRom the oRiginal PaRis editions of 1831 and 1832 in English and in FRench,
iew YoRk, 1931.
Card ID: