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PRICE (Dorothy) (2)



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    Author: PRICE (Dorothy)


    1kIVtri(4y C I - Price (Dorothy). orma1 development of the prostate and senlinal vesioles of the rat with a study of eerimenta1 p0 st—nate]. modifications: a dissertation submitted to the (University of Chicago) ...for the degree of Doctor of Philoeophy...1935. - Reprinted from the Aniorican Journal of Anatomy, vol. 60., no. 1, i936. pp. (2) + 79—127. Plate, diagrams and tables. 8 . Chicago, 1936.

    Card ID: 67

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    Author: PRICE (Dorothy Stopford)


    DEPOSITO Price (Dorothy Stopford). Tuberculosis in cnildhood...With a chapter on tuberculous orthopaedic lesions and other contributions by H.F.MacAuley. Second edition, fully revised, etc. tWitha bibiGaphy,J pp. vi. + 219. PlatesL diagrais and tables. 8°. Bristol and London, 1948.

    Card ID: 68