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PRESTON (Richard Arthur) (3)
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PRESTON, RIchard Arthur
PRESTON, Richard Arthur
Author: PRESTON (RIchard Arthur)
Preston (RIchard Arthur). Canadian defe Ottawa, 1970. THIS WLWE is NOT LN THE L1BRA tiny re.dcL kaioiflg of a copY for s is ask4 to infotro t)c Librari.Q.
Card ID: 412
Author: PRESTON (Richard Arthur)
Preston (Richard Arthur). Gorges of Plymouth Fort: a life of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Captain of Plymouth Fort, Governor of New England, and Lord of the Province of Maine. With a bibliographical note.) pp. vii. ÷ 1+95. ILlustratiois map. plans and genealogicai tables. 8°. Toronto, 1953.
Card ID: 413
Preston (Richard Arthur). See PORONTO. Champ).n Society. Publications.. .Ontario series. 3. Kingston before the War of 1812: a oolleotion of documents. Edited with an introduction by R.A.Pre— S ton. Toronto, 1959.
Card ID: 416