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PIKE (Luke Owen) (2)



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    Author: PIKE (Luke Owen)


    bhPosn’oRY Pike (Luke Owen). History of crime in nlan, illustrating the changes of the laws in the progress of civilisation. Written from the Public Records and other contemporary eridenoe. 2 vols. [L.I.] 80 London, l87—?6. 1. Prom the Roman invasion to the accession of fenry VII. 2. Prom the accession of Henry VII to. the Li -present time. [Another copy.]

    Card ID: 329

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    Author: PIKE (Luke Owen)


    Pike (Luke Owen) The Public records and the constitution: a lecture delivered at All Souls College, Oxford, at the request of the Reius Professors of Civil Law arid Modern History...With plan of evolution of the chief courts. and departments of the Government pp. 39. Fo.ded plan. [Another copy.) 80. London, 1O7. Irnerfect% wanting the plan. I,

    Card ID: 330