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PHILIPS (Katharine) (2)



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    Author: PHILIPS (Katharine)


    ‘- ç / / —, Philips (Katharine), called ‘The lAatchless Orinda’. Poems...To which is added Monsieur Corneille’s Pompey & Horace, tragedies, [translated by K.Philipsj, (The fifth act Cof kiorace) translated by Sir J.Denham.) Vith several other translations out of French. [Edited by Sir C.Cotterell.J 2 parts in I vol. fol. London, 1669. wanting the frontispiece portrait of the author bY Faithorne. This covy has the boolcplate of John Ward (1679? — 1758). [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 291

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    Author: PHILIPS (Katharine)


    Philips (Katharine), called tThe Matchless Orinda”. , ‘.11 Poems, etc. £Continued.] D’1. — [A reprint.] 2 parts in I vol. Portrait. fol. London, 1678.

    Card ID: 292