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PARKMAN (Francis) (5)



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    Author: PARKMAN (Francis)


    NEB Par See Parkman (Francis), the Younger. The Jesuits in North America in the seventeenth century. Boston, 1923.

    Card ID: 262

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    Author: PARKMAN (Francis)


    Po,r Parkman (Francis), the Younger. Francis Parkznan’s works, etc. Continued.3 9—10. A Raif century of conflict 7rance and England in llorth America. Part eixth). 2 vole. 11—13. Noatcaim a.nd, Wolfe (France and England in North Anerica. Part seventh). 3vols. 14-15. The Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War after the conqueet of Canada. 2 vole. 16. The Oregon trail: sketches of prairie and Rocky— Mountain life.

    Card ID: 281

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    Author: PARKMAN (Francis)


    Pcv( Parkman (Francis), tthe Younger. The Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian war after the conquest of Cariada...Ni.nth edition, revised, with additions. 2 vols. Folded maps. Boston [Mass.j, 1880.

    Card ID: 284

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    Author: PARKMAN (Francis)


    Parkman (Francis), the Younger. Pioneers of France in the New World... Seventeenth edition. pp. xxii. + (2) -t 427. Portrait and maps. 0 8 . Boston [Mass.j, 1880. Part I. o a series by the juthor entitled: prance and En1and in North America’. Imperfect; wanting the series tiUe—pa. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 289

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    Author: PARKMAN (Francis)


    NAN 2 Par Parkman (Francis), the Younger. Pioneers of France in the New World, etc. fContixiued .T (Revised edition.) (The Works of Francis Parkman. Centenary Edition.) pp. xxv. + 493. Portrait and maps. 8°. oton, 1922.

    Card ID: 290