OCCIEVE (Thomas)
Occieve (Thomas).
Rocoleve’s Works. I. The Minorpoerns in the Phillips MS...snd the Durham MS..,Editecl. by
B. J. Furnivafl. (II. The 1tinor poems in
the Ashburnbani MS..Jdited by Sir I. Gollanoz.
III. The Reement of Prinoes...from the
Earleian M...snd...minor poems from the Eger— ton MS...Edited by F. J. Farnivali.)
London, 1892—1925.
See IjONDOi.T. [iii. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Early Eta1ish Text Society. [Publications,]
— F.ttra series. i6I 72, ?3
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