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NORRIS (John) (6)



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    Author: NORRIS (John)


    Ac (Y Norris (John), Rector of Bemerton. Cursory reflections upon book call’d An essay concerning bu.inan understanding, 1690. LOriginally published with the author’s “Christian blessedness’t.) Edited, with an introduction, by G.DJAcEwen. [A facsimile reprint from the copy in the Huntington Library.] (Auustan Reprint Society. Publication 93.) pp. 5. + 44. 8°. Los AnReles, 1961.

    Card ID: 241

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    Author: NORRIS (John)


    ‘1 I4i ,3C Norris (John), Rector of Bemerton. Practical discourses upon the beatitudes. (Cursory reflections upon a book call’d, an Essay Concerning Human Understanding.— Practical discourses upon several divine sdjects)...The fifth edition. Vole. 1—2 in 1 vol. 8°. London, 1707. Imperfect; wanting vole. 3—4. ‘Oursory reflections Essay Concerning Human Understanding” is dated l699 but forms a part of Vol. 1 of the Practical discourses, having continuous signatures but separate agiriation.

    Card ID: 242

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    Author: NORRIS (John)


    Norris (John), Writer on Tramways See RAD’IELD (Ellis Charles Raymond) and Norris (J.) Waterways to Stratford, j. Dawlish and London, 1962. (Second edition.) Newton Abbot, 1968.

    Card ID: 244

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    Author: NORRIS (John Alexander)


    Norris (John Alexander) Telegraphic determination of longitudes in Mexico and Central America, and on the west, coast of South Amerioa...By C. H. Davis... J. A. Norris and C. Laird, with the co—operation of B. A. Gould, etc. Washington, 1865. See UNITED SPATES OF AMERICA. Departments of State and. Official Bodies. Navy Department. Bureau of Navigation.

    Card ID: 245

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    Author: NORRIS (John MaDsillon)


    IlCROFILI COF FOR REFERENCE O’iLV Norris (John MaDsillon). The Functional New Testament of Clement of Alexandria, etc. LThesis: University of Chicago.J iii. ÷ 132 leave3. Tables and 40 Ch 1945.

    Card ID: 246

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    Author: ADPIELD (Ellis Charles Raymond) and NORRIS (John)


    -rrrre flADPIELD (Ellis Charles Raymond) and Norris (John). Waterways to Stratford, etc. [With a bibliography.) pp. 17 PlaLtes, facsimiles, maps, diagram and tables. 8°. Dawlish and London, 1962. (Second edition.) pp. 173. Bibliography, plates, facsimiles, maps, diagram and tables. 8. Newton Abbot, 1968.

    Card ID: 92