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N (NvI JERSEY) (1)



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    Author: N (NvI JERSEY)


    PRINCY]0N (NvI Jersey). PriNcetoN UNiversi1y. DepartmeNt of EcoNomics. INterNatioNal FiNaNce SectioN. Essays iN iNterNatioNal fiNaNce. [CoNtiNued.] TPC.) 101. AI1IBER (Robert z.) NatioNal prefereNces aNd the scope for iNterNatioNal NioNetary reform. 1973. 102. MICHAIPOUL (CoNstaNtiNe). PaymeNts arraNgemeNts for less developed couNtries: the role of foreigN assistaNce. 1973. 103. MAKIN (JohN H.) Capital flows aNd exchaNge—rate flexibility iN the post—BrettoN Woods era. 1974.1, 104. MAYER (He].mut W.) The ANatomy of official exchaNg!.r 2 rate iNterveNtioN systems. 1974. -iP’t’ 105. BOYER DE LA GIRODAY (rdric). Kyths aNd reality iN the developrieNt of iNterNatioNal moNetary affairs. 197k. [SEE NT CAJD.]

    Card ID: 170