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MURRAY (Lindley) (4)



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    Author: MURRAY (Lindley)


    Mur Murray (Lindley). English exercises, adapted by Murray’ s English grelunar: consisting of exercises in parsing, instances of false orthography, violations of the rules of syntax, defects in punctuation. . designed for the benefit of prinLte learners, as well as for the use of schools... The thirtieth edition. pp. 221. 12°. York, 3.823.

    Card ID: 410

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    Author: MURRAY (Lindley)


    I [:4 — V’ Murray (Lindley). English grammar, etc. [Continued.) The orty—aeventh edition. pp. 227. 12g. York, 834.

    Card ID: 413

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    Author: MURRAY (Lindley)


    Murray (Lindley). Lecteur françois; ou, Eecueil de pThces, en prose et en vers, tires des meilleurs 4crivains...Par L.4urray. Cinquime 4dition. pp. xii. + 408. 0 12 . ork, 1824. —Introduction au Lecteur françois...avec 1’explication des idiotismes et des phrases difficiles...Pay L.Muray. Cinquime &iition. pp. xxxvi. + 240. 12°f Yorjç, 1826.

    Card ID: 417

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    Author: MURRAY (Lindley)


    Murray (Lindley). BIBLE. Psalms. Selections. [i1.] A Selection from Bishop Home’s Commentary on the Psalms. Iwith the text of the Psalms selected.j By L.Murray. o..rJc, 1812.

    Card ID: 420