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MASCALL (Eric Lionel) (4)
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MASCALL, Eric Lionel
Author: MASCALL (Eric Lionel)
P1413 t’4cs Mascall (Eric Lionel). 2he Church of God: an Anglo—Russian symposium. By members of the Fellowship of St.Alban and St.Sergius. General editor, E.L.J4asca].1, pp. xiii. + 230. 8. Loncion, 1934.
Card ID: 441
Mascall (Eric Lionel). Corpus Christi: essays on the Church and the Eucharist. pp. xii. + i88. 0 8 . London, 195,3.
Card ID: 443
PNA Mas Mascall (Eric Lionel). Nature and supernature. (St. Michael’s Lectures, 1973, Gontaga University, Spokane.) pp. 94. London, 1976.
Card ID: 446
PN Mascall (Eric Lionel). (i-c. Theo1oy and images. (Contemporary Studies in Theology, 7.) pp. 48. -— 8. Lcndon, 1963.
Card ID: 449