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LOMBARD (Maurice) (2)



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    Author: LOMBARD (Maurice)


    MBN Lam Lombard (Maurice). Esce et rseaux du haut inoyen ge. [Selected articles reprinted from various journals. With a bib1ioapy of the works of Mai.ricc Lombard. Preface by J. Le Goff.] (cole Praticiue des Hautes tudes,Sorbonne. VIe Section: Sciences Feonomi clues et Soc iales. Le Savor His tori, 2.Jpp. 229. Maps. Paris and The Hague, 1972.

    Card ID: 303

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    Author: LOMBARD (Maurice)


    LIF Lorn Lombard (Maurice). Les Mtaux dazis l1ancien monde du Ve su XXe sic1e. (Civilisatioms et Socits, 38. tudes dMconourLe Mdiéva1e, 2.) pp. 295. Maps. — Paris nd The Raue, 19711.

    Card ID: 304