LJ (xui)
[i’-Lj (Xui) . rtq.ija: j
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MONIGilE (ilichel cle). [Essays. — French.]
Les Essais de Michel, Seigneur de Moritaigne. Nouvelle di-tion, exactement purgée des défauts des precedentos...Et enrichie & augmentée. . .Avec des observations. • .Ensernble la vie de l’autheur, & deux tables, c. 3 vols. [D.—L.L.]
12°. Amsterdam, 1659.
with an additional engraved titlepage in Vol. 1 bearing a portrait of the author.
From the 1ibrsrr o Charles Stuart, Baron Stuart de Bat say - wtiiiThra1dic kstamp in the centre oi’ each side the binding. Tfio. 25 in the Cata1ie of pricald arria bookbindins.)
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