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LIPPS ( Thomas) (2)



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    Author: LIPPS ( Thomas)


    d [PLt-fri] PHIT,Lipps ( Thomas), Bt. Indexes to the county visitations in the library at iLiddle Hill, i84, arid to a few others in the Han. USS. British Museum, the Bodleian Library and Queen’s College, Oxford. [The preface signed: T.P. i.e..Sir Thomas PhilLipps.J 4ddlejji, 1841. .& •, •

    Card ID: 459

  • card

    Author: LIPPS (t Thomas)


    [e PHhj,Lipps (t Thomas), Bart. See PARIS. Bib1iot&Que Nationale. Département des Manuscrits. Catalogue des manuscrits latins et français de la coilection PhilLipps, acquis en 1908 pour la Bibliothéque Nationale. (Liste niunérique des rnanuscrits PhiiLipps aujourd’hui conserves dans diffdrentes bibliothbques et archives.) Par II. Omont. flris, 1909.

    Card ID: 467