LARK (William)
33 NE3 a r
Law tJtjtttZM’tP— C
cLark (William), Fbcplorer.
See IEJIS (Lriwether). [History of the Expedition under the
— Command of Captains Lewis and CLark.] Travels to the source of the Z’tLssour river and
acrees the American continent to the Pacific Ocean performed by order of the government of the United States in the years i8th, 1805 and iBoó, by ptains Lewis and CLarke. Published from the official report and uatrated by... flEpS. [An edition of ‘History of the ExpedItion under the conmand of .ptains Lewis and CLark’, etc. Dy Nicholas Diddle • Edited by T.Rees .3
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