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KIRBY (Sheelab) (1)



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    Author: KIRBY (Sheelab)


    •0 Kirby (Sheelab). The Yeats country: a guide to places in the ‘Nest of Ireland associated with the life and writings of William Butler Yeats. Compiled by S.Kirby Edited by P.Gallagher, with drawings and maps by R.Brandt. pp. 47. 8°. ThbLlj.1fl, 1962. (flew edition, revised and reset. Reprinted.) The Yeats country: a guide to the Sligo district and other places in the West of Ireland associated with the ‘life and work of W.B. Yeats. iith drawirig by Ruth i3randt. pp. 93. flap. Dublin, 1977.

    Card ID: 31