JS (Paulus)
OROSIiJs (Paulus).
istoriarui a1v’ros paano libri VII. [CONTfNUO]:
ttonarde: 8Qi t.jbi./ Leonwrdo n.q.n huiu rtii 4 d.ecus./ Tua%quc .aus
uoiaj ajtuta orOia: aLiu notr Ltmora./ Ab or1im itee origine/
tuinutu: e..a1ue: ‘t caeea ueit./
adea,1ue nome me
F0.(1O)° buik.
Largc Roman type. with ei4naturme. lines. witn .are (tnirteen—:inc)
Caita eaoe at tsie beginning, and tao—, tbree—tour—, anl aeven—line cap— it.el ep.Oa throughout: ruoiQteL, the ro initia. in gold sith interlace
L)entmcntet1o uontr.uin4 a a b0r1cr at the sie and acoee the top of the
‘ page, in clue red, ani greon otner initiali in rei and blue; mith epaoez on
£o.(2)b, ro.e7)e, ni (7) nt rubricat.ed.
tew lai’ ..t tnt oc.inning, to.(i), is nt ot the same pa;cr as rjnts.j It uutitsjns a 4.. bjoljogranjoal note on the cork, srjtt. i12 Ita.1fl.
Trj cditioj oC AohaL.j sa procanly tne third ;rinteJ eiLion of Orosium’
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