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JMANN (Carl) (2)



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    Author: JMANN (Carl)


    LW2 Neu Jmann (Carl), Profcor der Kunstgeschichte an rier UniVer3itat Jteide1ber. Grjechische Geschichtchreiber und GeschIchtq.uellen im zw’ölft.en Jahrhundert: Studien zu Anna Coimena, Theod. Prodromus, Joh. Cinnamus (Reprinted from the original edition [of 1888] in the Princeton UnZversity Library.) (Burt Frnnklin Research & Source Works Series. Byzantine Series, 3t..) pp. iv, 105. New York, 1971.

    Card ID: 304

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    Author: JMANN (Carl Friedrich)


    N81 Lel N’Jmann (Carl Friedrich). See LELAND (Charles Godfrey). Fusarg; or, the Discovery of America by Chinese Buidhist priests in the fifth century. [Containing the narrative of Hoei-Shin, sq’ith comments by C.F. Neumann, a letter from Colonel B. Kennon on the navigation of the Zforth Pacific Ocean, etc. A reprint of the edition of 1875.] London end New York, 1973.

    Card ID: 310