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HOLLES (Denzil) (2)



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    Author: HOLLES (Denzil)


    4o Holles (Denzil), Baron Holles. - Lord bus his remains: being a second letter to a friend concerning the judicature of the bishops in Parliament in vindication of what he wrote in his first and in answer to a book [by Thomas Hunt? since published against it, entitiJed “The 1ights of the Bishops to judge incapital cases in Parliament, cleared,” ...Likewise part of his intended answer to... “The Grand question touching the Bishops right to vote in Parliament,” stated...[by LSti].lingfleet). To which are added considerations in answer to the...”Grand question”... by another hand, And Reflections upon souie [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 235

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    Author: HOLLES (Denzil)


    Holles (Denzil), Baron HoUe. Lord Hollis his remains, [Continued...1 -passages in Mr Uunt’s TPArgentIT upon. that a third [W.Atwood. Edited by W.Atwood.] pp. (16) + 302 + (14). 0 8 • London, 1682.

    Card ID: 236