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HARDY (Alfred Cecil) (4)



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    Author: HARDY (Alfred Cecil)


    PdS1TOR’ Hardy (Alfred Cecil). Bulk cargoes: a treatise on their carriage by sea and consequent effect on the design and construction of merchant ships. pp. vii. + (1) + 16o. Plates, diagramsjs and maps. 8°. London, 1926.

    Card ID: 14

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    Author: HARDY (Alfred Cecil)


    -:r, Hardy (Alfred Cecil). La Industria británica de construcciones navales. (El Progreso_de la Gran Bretaa.) pp. 35 + (1). Illuetrations. fri. London, [19ti4].

    Card ID: 15

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    Author: HARDY (Alfred Cecil)


    f)EPQSITQ?y Hardy (Alfred Cecil). Motorshipping: a study of the Diesel—engined ship in relation to present—day shipping, showing something of the newest era in sea transport. Based upon a series of researches published in “Motorship”, “The Liverpool Journal of Commerc&’ and the Transactions of the Institute of Marine Fngineers...Cheap edition. pp. xi. + (1) + i66. Il1ustrations diagrams and tables. 8°. London, 1935.

    Card ID: 16

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    Author: HARDY (Alfred Cecil)


    Hardy (Alfred Cecil). Oil ships and sea transport: a storr of oil in relation to its effect on sea transportation. pp. xii. + 159 + (1). Plate, diagrarns tables and folded maps. 0 8 . London, 1931.

    Card ID: 18