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HAMILTON (James Alexander) (3)
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HAMILTON, James Alexander
Author: HAMILTON (James Alexander)
Hamilton (James Alexander), Writer on music. Hamilton’s catechism on the nature, invention, exposition, development and concatenation of musical ideas, etc. (Appendix of examples.) pp. ix. + 74 + 8 [E.C.J 12°. LOndon, 1838. 4 —
Card ID: 303
oSitDY Hamilton (James Alexander), Xiter on mu. sic. A New musical grammar, in three parts: I. Notation. II. Harmony and counterpoint. III. Rhythm or melody...Third edition. pp. viii. + 279. .[E.c.J 12°. London, 1843.
Card ID: 306
Hamilton (James Alexander), Writes on See ANDRE (J.) Introduction to the use of the pedals in organ playing...Translated and adapted to English organs by J.A.Hamilton. London: R.Cocks and Co.
Card ID: 307