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GOLLANCZ (Sir Israel) (7)
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GOLLANCZ, Sir Israel
Author: GOLLANCZ (Sir Israel)
Gollancz (Sir Israel). The Shakespeare Classics. Edited by I.Gollancz. [Volumes in this series are fully catalogued under the headings listed below: Jv(?i . 1. LODGE (Thomas). Lodgers ‘Rosa)ynde’, being thea original of Shakespeare’s ‘As you like it’. Edited by W.W.Greg. 1907. 2. GREENE (Robert), the Poet. Greene’s Ipandosto?’ or, and Fawnia’; being the original of Shakespeare’s ‘Winter’s Tale’. Newly edited by P.G.Thomas. 1907. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 416
3 Gollancz (Sir Israel). The Shakespeare Classics, [Continued.] 5.r6. Not published. 7. LEAR, King. [The True Chronicle History of King Leir and his Three Daughters..] The Chronicle history of King Leir: the original of Shakespeare’s ‘Ung Lear’. Edited by S.Lee. 190S 8. TAMING. ‘The Taming of a Shrew’: being the original of Shakespeare’s ‘Taming of’ the Shrew’. Edited by F.S.Boas. 1908. 9. SIDGWICK (Fr.nk). The Sources and analogues of ‘A Midsummer night’s dieam’. Compiled by’ F.Sidgwick. 19O. [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 418
Gollancz (Sir Israel). The Shakespeare Classics, etc. tcontinued.j ib—18. Not published. p4 L.i7+L’tL 19,20. PLUTRCM. [Vitae Ps.rallelae. - !1ish. - North’s Translation. - Two or More Livei. Shakespeare’s Plutarch. Edited by C.F.T.Brooke...Containin the main sources of Julius Caesar (Antony & Cleopatra end of Coriolenus). 2 vo1. 1909.
Card ID: 420
Gollancz (Sir Israel). The Sources of Hamlet: [being the history of Saxo Grainmaticus in Latin and English, and the account by F. de Belleforest from the “Cinquiesme Tome des histoires tragiques”, with the anonymous translation of i6o8 entitled ttThe Hystorie of Hamblet”] with essay on the legend. (The Shake— eare Library. The Shakespeare Classics.) pp. xi. + 21. Facsimile.and fo1jd enea1ogical table. 8°. Londoj, 1926. [Another copy. I iS ,L1
Card ID: 421
Gollancz (Sir Israel). See LONDON. [III. !tisoellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.) Early Engbish Text Society. [Publications.] ,Origina]. Series. 104. The Exeter book: an anthology of ngio—Saxon poetry.. .Edited. • .by I. Go11arnz. London, 1895.
Card ID: 428
Gollancz (Sir Israel). PERCY (Thomas), Bishop of Dromore. The Percy folio of’ old glish ballads and romances. (Edited by I. Gollancz. From the text of F.J. Furnivall and J.W. Hales.) London, 1905—10.
Card ID: 438
YHcx cOo Gollancz (Sir Israel). See SHAKESPEARE (William). [The Winter’s Tale.) Shakespeare’s comedy of A-Winter’s tale. With preface, glossary, &c. by I .Gollancz. London, 1900.
Card ID: 444