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GERLACH (Franz Dorotheus) (3)
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GERLACH, Franz Dorotheus
GERLACH, Franz Dorotheus and EACHOFEN, Johann Jacob
Author: GERLACH (Franz Dorotheus)
r ‘pQSITORY Gerlach (Franz Dorotheus). Historisehe Studien. 2 vols. in 1. 8°. Hamburg, and Gotha (Basel), 1841—47. Vol. 2 has also a_distinct tit1eDag which reads: Geschieht1icheForschg und Darstellung”. Some of therelimina pages of Vol. 1 are bound out of order at - the end of that volume,
Card ID: 531
i P Gerlach (Franz Dorotheus). NONIUS MARCELLUS. Nonii Iarce11i...De compendiosa doctrina per litteras ad filium et Fabii Planciadis Fuigentii Expositio sernionum antiquorurn. Ad fidem veteruni codicum ediderunt et apparatum criticum indicesque adiecerunt F.D.Gerlach & C.L.Roth. as1e, 1842.
Card ID: 533
Author: GERLACH (Franz Dorotheus) and E3ACHOFEN (Johann Jacob)
DEposIToR: Gerlach (Franz Dorotheus) and E3ACHOFEN (Johann Jacob), the Elder. Die Gesehichite der Röiuer. Vol. 1, Parts 1 and 2 in 1 vol. 8°. Basel, 1851. Part 1. Aelteste Geschichte bis zur Grtlndung der Stadt. Part 2. Die Zeiten der Knige. No more published.
Card ID: 535