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FRETTER (Vera) (2)



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    Author: FRETTER (Vera)


    PS [V - Zoological] Fretter (Vera). Studies in the structure, physiology and ecology of molluscs: the proceedings of a symposium held at the Zoological Society of London on 8 and 9 March,1967. Edited by V. Fretter. pp. xvii. + 377. Bibliographies, plates, illustrations, diagrams,charts and tables. 8°. [London), 1968. See LONDON. CIII.] Zoological Socie1y of London. Symposia, etc. No • 22.

    Card ID: 536

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    Author: FRETTER (Vera) and GRAHAM (Alastair)


    Fretter (Vera) and GRAHAM (Alastair). British prosobranch molluscs: their funotionl anatomy and ecology. [with a bibliography.) (Ray Society [Publications), 144.) pp. xvi. + 755. Plates, illustrations and diagrams. 8°. London, 1962.

    Card ID: 537