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FITZMAURICE ( Petty—) (3)
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FITZMAURICE, Edniond George Petty
FITZMAURICE, Henry William Edmund Petty
Author: FITZMAURICE ( Petty—)
LQ9W A Fitzmaurice ( Petty—), Family of. See Fitzmaurice (Henry William Edmund Petty), 6th Marquis of Lansdowne. Glanerought and the Petty-Pitzmaurices. London, 1937k
Card ID: 50
Author: FITZMAURICE (Edniond George Petty)
()EoSSTc Fitzmaurice (Edniond George Petty), Bo Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick: an historical study, 1735—1806.. .With. . .portraits and . map. pp. vi. + (2) + 147. 8°. London, 1901,
Card ID: 53
Author: FITZMAURICE (Henry William Edmund Petty)
(“) 13c L Jokasnj Fitzmaurice (Henry William Edmund Petty), 6th. Marquis öt Lansdowne. The. Queeney letters: being letters addressed to Hester Maria Thrale by Doctor Jobnsoa, Fanny Burney and Mrs. Thrale—Piozzi. Edited by the Marquis of Lansdowne. pp. xxix. + (2) + 275. 0 8 . London, 1934.
Card ID: 65