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ER (Eduard) (5)



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    Author: ER (Eduard)


    BOikllError'>Er (Eduard). See STUGAET. L ErQrischEr VErein. ib1iothek des .1itErarischei VEreins in ,tutt— art. Vol.145. .Zwei Reden an KaisEr und Reich von 3.. Sleidanus Neu hErauseeben - von .E. EöhtEr. 7libinei,

    Card ID: 128

  • card

    Author: ER (Eduard)


    KOC Fue FU!Error'>Er (Eduard). Geschichte des europàischen St,aa’tensystems von 1492—1559. (Handbuch dEr mittelaltErlichen und neuErcn Geschichte. Abteilung II. Politische Geschichte.) pp. xxi, 343. Bibi. Munich and BErlin, 1919.

    Card ID: 133

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    Author: ER (Eduard)


    = DEPOSITORY 7ET2[,Error'>Er (Eduard). Geschichte dEr christlichen Kirche. (Neue Encyc1opdie dEr Wissensehaften und Kunste, Bd.IV., Nr.3.) ppJ4 + 159 + (3). [G.G.] 8° [Stuttgart, c.185o].

    Card ID: 239

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    Author: ER (Iwan Eduard Philipp von)


    LLI N MUELtError'>Er (Iwan Eduard Philipp von). Elandbuch dEr klassischen AltErt’ums— Wissenscaft, . V.4. Religion und Kultus dEr R3mEr. Von G.Wlssowa. Zweit AufJ.age. pp. xii. + 612. 8°. Municj, 1912. [SEE NEXT CA1D.]

    Card ID: 450

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    Author: ER (Harold Eduard) end 3ED2{N (Sir Herbert vere)


    ‘4473 Pal PAUfError'>Er (Harold Eduard) end 3ED2{N (Sir HErbErt vEre). This Language-learnthg business: a compilation conta nir.g a convErsation, consIdErable correspondence, and still more considErable thought on questions of language and the learning thEreof, for the guidance of all, those engaged in teaching or learning. • a lexiguage...[LTcw edition) Jith a bIographical easay on H.E. PalmEr [and a bibliography of his works) by D. AndErson. (language and language Learning, 22.) pp. x, i66. 8°. London, 1969.

    Card ID: 219