EET (Edward)
41c 4’
STILtiNGL,Eet (Edward), Bishop of Worcester. Ancient BrItish and nlish churches. Stil1inr— flEet’s Independence of the British churches, proved from their oarrtae towards Aucus tine the honk; and Inett’ s Short view of the ancient and present state of the EnglIsh church and nonaro1iy. To which are subjoined, I. The letters apostolic of Pius IX...1850. II. The pastoral of Dr. Wiseman...1853. III. The letter of Lord John Russell to the. Bishop of Durhwn...1850. IV. Appendix...Edited by
C. P. Cooper. Second edition. pp. 76. CL.I.]
8. London, 1851.
Round in a volume 1 nt.t.’ Traots by 0. P. pper
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