
Search Term (count):

EE (George) (2)



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    Author: EE (George)


    TOYNI3Ee (George). A.7.Sch1egelts lectures on German literature from Gottsched to Goethe, given at the University of Bonn and taken dov by George ToynbEe in 1833. Together with ToynbEe’s to Heine’. Oxford, 1944. SEe SCHTEGEL (A.W. von).

    Card ID: 419

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    Author: EE (George ‘Vincent)


    COflEe (George ‘Vincent). Lateral variation in Chaster sandstones producing oil and, gas in lower Wabash river area. With special reference to New Harmony field. Urbana, 1942. SEe ILLINOIS, State o:f. Department of ReRistrat— ion and Education. Division of the State Geological Survey. IReport. of Investigations j No. 84.

    Card ID: 101