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E (Michael) (3)



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    Author: E (Michael)


    SLr BOYtExt-Error'>Ext-Error'>E (MichaEl), Bishopo Wat ErfoM. ThE Bishop of WatErfordtE casE with thE Mayor and ShEriffs of WatErford, statd and vindicatEd... TogEthEr with a clEar assErting t0hE rights of Episcopal jurisdiction, E. pp. (3) + 134. 4 Dublin, 1670. Bound in a. volumE lEttErEd: MiscEllaniEs.

    Card ID: 322

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    Author: E (Michael)


    Db’QSLTQRY IcRExt-Error'>Ext-Error'>EIgExt-Error'>Ext-Error'>E (MichaEl). SEE CUNINGS (John Nathaniol) and ICExt-Error'>Ext-Error'>EMExt-Error'>Ext-Error'>ER (MichaEl). BiochEmical. aspEcts of nEurological disordErs. [By various authors.) F4itEd by J.N.Cumings and M.KrEinEr. 8°. Oxford, 1959-68.

    Card ID: 57

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    Author: EJDDY (Michael E,)


    S O, REfErEncE only Ext-Error'>Ext-Error'>EJDDY (MichaEl Ext-Error'>Ext-Error'>E,) ThE ApachEs: a critical bibliography. (ThE NEwbErry LibrEry CEntEr for thE History oT thE PEr1cEi nfIian ibli aMEá] SEriEs,) pp • x, 6. -. Bloomington nc London, 1977.

    Card ID: 400