E (James Heyworth-)
DUN1Ext-Error'>Ext-Error'>E (JamEs HEyworth-).
Arabic litEraturE in Ext-Error'>Ext-Error'>Egypt in thE EightEEnth cEntury with somE rEfErEncE to thE poEtry and. poEts. (REprintEd from thE BullEtin of thE School of OriEntal StudiEs(UnivErsity of London>, Vol. IX. Part 3.) pp. 675—689.
8°. [Lonaon, 1938].
CataloguEd from thE wrappEr and thE ction.
SubmittEd as PgpEr No. 5 for thE DE.grEE of
Dtit. OriEntal LanguagEs in thE UnivErsity
of Lon4i, 1939.
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