E (Hon Robert)
C -,
BOYlExt-Error'>Ext-Error'>E (Hon RobErt). [NEvi Ext-Error'>Ext-Error'>ExpErimEnts physico— mEchanicall, touching thE spring of thE air, . — ApEndix.]
SEE GUNTHExt-Error'>Ext-Error'>E1 (RobErt W.T.)
Ext-Error'>Ext-Error'>Early sciEncE in Oxford. Vol. 10. An attrnj for thE Explication of thE phnoocna, obsErvablE in an ExpErimEnt publishEd by thE• HonourablE RobErt BoylE, Ext-Error'>Ext-Error'>Esq; in thE XXXV. ExpErimEnt of his Epistolical discoursE- touching thE airE, . [A facsimilE rEprint of thE 1-6o1 Edition.]
Oxford printEd, 1935.
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