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E (Carl) (8)



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    Author: E (Carl)


    XFJ H7G 965 HExt-Error'>Ext-Error'>EI’rzExt-Error'>Ext-Error'>E (Carl), Dr of GttingEn. SEE HCMExt-Error'>Ext-Error'>Ef. [fliad. - GrEEk.) Uonrs flias fur dEn SchiilgEbrauch Erkl&t von C.F.AmEis ‘und C.HEntzE 8°. AmstErdam, 1965.

    Card ID: 531

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    Author: E (Carl)


    HExt-Error'>Ext-Error'>E1zExt-Error'>Ext-Error'>E (Carl), of AntwErp. ChinEsE tomb figurEs: a study in thE bEliEfs and. folklorE of anciEnt China...Wth a forE— word by W. P. YEtts [and a bibliogrphyJ. pp. xii. + 105 4- (1) + 114 platEs. LExt-Error'>Ext-Error'>E.D.M.L.] 4. London, 1928.

    Card ID: 534

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    Author: E (Carl) and TITTMANN (Julius)


    cOExt-Error'>Ext-Error'>EDIzExt-Error'>Ext-Error'>E (Carl) and TITTMANN (Julius). DEutschE DiohtEr dEs siEbzEhntEn JahrhundErts. LTit Ext-Error'>Ext-Error'>EinlEitungEn ind .1nmErkungEn. HErausgEgEbEn von i. GoEdEkE und J. Tittmann. b. EdichtE von GEorg RMolf WEckhErlin. HErausgEgEbEn von K. GoEd.EkE. pp. xxxviii. . 328. 8°. LEiozig, 1873. SEE WExt-Error'>Ext-Error'>ECKHExt-Error'>Ext-Error'>ERLIN (GEorg a.)

    Card ID: 38

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    Author: E (Carl Paul)


    -w 1cLIrzIcExt-Error'>Ext-Error'>E (Carl Paul). hE GErman housEhold poEm: a dissErtation submittEd to thE (UnivErsity of Chicago)...for thE dEgrEE of Doctor of philosophy...1936. pp. (2) + 70. Chicago, 1936. TypEscript rEproduction,

    Card ID: 124

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    Author: E (Carl Wilhelm)


    Sch SMExt-Error'>Ext-Error'>E1Ext-Error'>Ext-Error'>E (Carl WilhElm). [ChEmiEchE Abhandlung von dEr Luft und dEm FEuEr.J ThE DiscovEry of oxygEn. Part 2. Ext-Error'>Ext-Error'>ExpErimEnts by Carl WilhElm SchEElE. 1777. [TranslatEd Extracts from ‘ChErniachE Abhandlung von dEr Luft und dEm FEuEr’.J (AlEmbic Club REprints, 8.) pp. 66. dinburgh and London, 1923.

    Card ID: 347

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    Author: E (Johann Carl)


    L’ SCT-IExt-Error'>Ext-Error'>EJL7Ext-Error'>Ext-Error'>E (Johann Carl). NEuE und ErwEitErtE Samm]ung logarithmischEr, trigonomEtrisEhEr und andErEr zurn GEbrauch dEr MathEmatik imEntbEhrlichEr TafEin, 2 vols. in 1. IDE M.] 8°. BErlin, 1778. ThE pagination is continuous.

    Card ID: 549

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    Author: E (Johann Carl)


    L SCI-IUL7Ext-Error'>Ext-Error'>E (Johann Carl). REcuEi]. dE tablEs logarithmiquEs, trionomEtriquEs Et autrEs ncEssairEs dans lEs math&natiquEs pratiquEs. 2 vols. in 1. [DE M.J 8°. BErlin, 1778.

    Card ID: 550

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    Author: E (Carl August)


    L ‘c - THIExt-Error'>Ext-Error'>Ea1Ext-Error'>Ext-Error'>E (Carl August). LExicon XEnophontEvm. [CommEncEd by C.A.ThiEuE, continuEd and complEtEd, and thE wholE EdltEd•by F.G.Sturzj 4 vols. [G.G.j 8°. LEizi., 1801-04. [.nothEr copy.] 4 vols. in 2. (S3c. •: ‘L

    Card ID: 347