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DOUGLAS (James) (16)



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    Author: DOUGLAS (James)


    Douglas (James) Brigadier General. Sohola Llartis [COIITINUED):— (George I. ,of whom en engraved portrait is insrted) ana. states that it is the “humble meinoriall of irig Gent James Douglas. Late Coil, of a Scots Regiment of foot in y’ service of the States Generals” aM “that he hath served the .ritish crown & intrest since tii year 1685: end have been in most of the battals and sieges in Flanders and Braband. since that time from Battall of Fleureu dormwards viz. Steenkir,Lenan, Ramelliers...and. LalplaeQuet wher theet had the boneur to command the forlorn hope under the ].ate Prince of Orange who atacked the light wing of the fnch my, then fortifyed in the wooö..s of .1ongiers, whet your Memorialist’s Rjht thjh one was B2’O)by a Musquet ball”. The Author goes on to make petition to the ring for an it1rnii yearlyal1owance”by way [SEE NEXT CERD]

    Card ID: 334

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    Author: DOUGLAS (James)


    C5e LCj iz Douglas (James), F. A. 8. Nenia Britannica; or, a Sepu1eiraJ. history or creat Britain, from the earliest period to its general conversion to Christianity. pp. vi. + 197. L1ates. Lol. !don, 1793.

    Card ID: 338

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    Author: DOUGLAS (James)


    Douglas (James) ?t.D. Bib1iographi .Anatomic peciaen: sive catalogus ownium pene auotorum, qui ab Hippoorate ad Har’veum rem anatoniioam... soriptis illustrarunt, eta. pp. (19) + 226 + (10). 8. London, 1715.

    Card ID: 343

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    Author: DOUGLAS (James)


    DEPO51I0 Douglas (James), iieer. LANOTON (Hugh H.) - James Douglas: a memoir. Toro privately printed, 1940.

    Card ID: 345

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    Author: BROVN (James Douglas)


    iJ— ( v’ U-’- cJEr( BROVN (James Douglas). High—talent manpower for sci8nce ‘and industry: an appraisal of policy at home and abroad. Princeton, 1957. See PRINCETON (NEW JERSEY). Princeton Universi Department_of Economics and Social Instttuti.ons. Industrial Relations Section. Research report series, 95.

    Card ID: 210

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    Author: BRUCE (James Douglas)


    f1bE BRUCE (James Douglas). SW. The Evolution or Arthurian romance, froni the beginnings down to the year 1300...Second edition, with a supplement by A.Hilka. [With a bibliography.] (Hesperia. Ergnzungsreihe: Sobriften zur engliscben Philologie, 8—9.) 2 vols. 8°. Gottingen and Baltimore, 1928. io 1. .

    Card ID: 311

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    Author: GUTHEIE (Douglas James)


    [ c GUTHEIE (Douglas James). Some early herbals and oharmacotoeias. (exhibited, in Edinburh Univei’sity Library, May—Jime 1950). Edinburth privately printed, 1950. EDiNBURGH.. University o1 dinburgh. Library.

    Card ID: 164

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    Author: CONNELL (James Douglas Rutherford)


    McCONNELL (James Douglas Rutherford). Eton repointed: the new structures of an ancient foundation... With photographs by Ray Williams. pp.101. Plates and diagrams. London, 1970.

    Card ID: 240

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    Author: RIMM (James Douglas)


    YBC Mar 1ØRIMM (James Douglas). The Flower of icings: a study of the Arthurian legend in England between 1*85 and 1835. pp. 307. Bibi. Lawrence, Kansas, 1973.

    Card ID: 595

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    Author: PEARSON (James Douglas)


    Cc ( Cf PEARSON (James Douglas). Oriental manuscript collections in the libraries of Great Britain ann Ireland. pp. vi. + 90. 0 8 . Londofl, 1954.

    Card ID: 477

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    Author: STEWART (James Douglas)


    STEWART (James Douglas). How to use a 1ibary. Px’aotical .dvioe to students and general readers, wit1 explanations of library datalogues, a systematic description of guides to books, and a guide to special libraries. (The Book—Lovers’. Library) pp.bc÷ 83. 16°. London, 1910.

    Card ID: 181

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    Author: STEWART (James Douglas)


    STEWART (James Douglas). The Sheaf oata1ogue a praotioal handbook on th compilation of mniusoript catalogues for public and private libraries.,..With...illus— trations, feosimilies, forms,’ a bibliograp) of manuscri?t oatalogping, arid a gi.ide to cataloguers referRnce books. pp. 55. 8. London, 1909.

    Card ID: 182