DOLC (tiodovico)
Dolc (Tiodovico).
Di B. Pittoni...Impr’ese di diversd, prenoi.pi, duohi, signorie d’altri pet’sonagi et huo1iRi lGtterati et illustri...oon.alouriejitanzedel Dolce che diobiaano i inotti di esseimprese. 2 1.
• Plates. [R.S.)
4° Venice,, 153—8.
Contiua atogethcr 100. plste, inoliding the engraved title—pages, 49 in the first voluaeand51 in the secona.
This ooy toçrierly belongc1 to the library of Thou.aa Howerd, 2nd Earl of Arundel chad appanre (p.98) in the cata2.ouo,publishc in i83i, of bcok fron that library hiohviero presented to the Royal Society by Henry Ho4ard, 6th Duke of Norfolk 1 in 1687.
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