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DENISON (Joseph) (4)



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    Author: DENISON (Joseph)


    Denison (Joseph). Im Exposition of the nature, force, action, and other properties of gravitation on the planets, and of the efficient causes of the relations between their velocities, periodic times, mean distances from the sun, and the forces of gravitation, . [y J.Denison,] London, 1842. EXPOSITION.

    Card ID: 108

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    Author: DENISON (Joseph)


    Denison (Joseph). An Investigation of the principles of the rules for deerrnining the measures of the areas and circumferences of circular plane surfaces and the capacities and bulks of certain spherical and cylindrical vessels and solids, etc. fBy J.Denison.] London, 1844. INVESTIGATION,

    Card ID: 109

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    Author: DENISON (Joseph)


    Denison (Joseph). ANew analogy, for determining the cU.stances of the planets from. the sun, and of the satellites from their primaries, etc. [By J.Denison.1 London, 182. See ANALOGY.

    Card ID: 110

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    Author: DENISON (Joseph)


    Denison (Joseph). Six lectures on arithmetic, containing a familiar explanation of the principles and rationale.of the general rules of arithmatic, . [By J.Denison.J London, 1842. fi_ LECTURES.

    Card ID: 111