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CLARK (Barrett Harper) (5)
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CLARK, Barrett Harper
SARORN, Ralph and CLARK, Barrett Harper
Author: CLARK (Barrett Harper)
Y06 Cia Clark (Barrett Harper). The British and American drama of to-8ay: outlines for their study. Suggestions, queatiois, biographies, and bibliographies for use in connection with the study of the niore important plays. pp. ,dii, 315. New York, 1915.
Card ID: 349
Clark (Barrett Harper). Eugene O’Neill. (Modern American Writers, ,) pp. 110. Bibi. and port. New York, 1926. fl7 [Revised and enlarged edition.) Eugene O’Neill: the man and hi plays. pp. ix, 183. Bbl. and port. CQo. New York, 1967. t
Card ID: 351
Malcolm Morley Collection 3 ‘1 Clark (Barrett Harper). Maxwell Anderson, the man and his plays. pp. 32. Portrait. Sc. New York, 1933.
Card ID: 354
STERLH!GLtBRRY REFERENCE ONLY Clark (Barrett Harper). See SANBORN (Ralph) and Clark (Barrett HaDper) A Bibliography of the works of Eugene O’Neill. New York, 1931.
Card ID: 355
Author: SARORN (Ralph) and CLARK (Barrett Harper)
STERLING LIBRARY REFERENCE ONLY SARORN (Ralph) and Clark (Barrett Harper). A Bibliography of the works of ugene O’Neill. pp. xiv. + 171. Plates and facsjnijles. 8°. New York, 19l. No. 151 of 500 copies irinted.
Card ID: 266