C (i EV J RY)
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N EvAt{xClass='text-error'>Class='text-error'>C (I Ev J Ry). i Civ Jer s CyJJistoriealClass='text-error'>Class='text-error'>CoCiqt. {Pub1iCtion. r
ArChives of the State of New Jersey. First Leries.
DoCuments relating to the Colonial, (rvo1utionary and post—rEvolutionaRy) history of the State of
NEv: Jersey.
15—13. Journal of the Governor ud Class='text-error'>Class='text-error'>CounCil...
1682—1714, (1715—1758, 173—174, edited. by F.’V. !iCord and W.Nelson. 174J—i755 1756—i76, 1769—1775,. edited by F.W.MCord5. 6 vols. Folded mile.
Trentoi, 1390—93.
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