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BYRON (George Gordon) (162)



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    Author: BYRON (George Gordon)


    (n) C ic Byron (George Gordon). See EHESAM (Theodore G.) Major Byron: the incredible career o a literary ftrger. New York and London, 1951.

    Card ID: 85

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    Author: BYRON (George Gordon Noel)


    STRLti’G LIBRARY - REFERENCE ONU! Byron (George Gordon Noel), Baron Byron. [Works.J The Works of the right honorable Lord Byron. 4 vole. 8. London, 1815. First English collected edition. In vol. 1, at the end of the general list of contents i extra leaf signed *b is inserted,listing the Hebre’i melodies. In vol. 3. 3 unsigned leaves, numbered *133—3, are insêrted between . 132 and 133. In the origl par boards, as issued. A 12 ge publisher’s catalogue, datid August 1815, is inserted at the begimiing of Vol.1. The paper labels e words ‘28sj(Wjthout Plates.).

    Card ID: 86

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    Author: BYRON (George Gordon Noel)


    Byron (George Gordon Noel), 3aronByon. Iworks.] The worksof Lord Byron. 4 vo1. Portrait. o 8 . London, 1823.

    Card ID: 90

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    Author: BYRON (George Gordon Noel)


    Byron (George Gordon Noel), Baro_Byrön. [‘Eorks.j The Wor1s of’ Lord Byron, including the suppressed poems. Complete in one volume. [With “The life of Lord Byron” by J.W.Lake, and a facsmi1e of’ a letter from Lord Byron to the editor of r(a1ignaniIs Messenger”. pp. xliii. + 716. Portrait. 8°• Paris, 1826.

    Card ID: 91

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    Author: BYRON (George Gordon Noel)


    STERLtNG LIBRARY Lcti L ‘J REFERENCE ONLY Byron (George Gordon Noel), Baron yron [Works.] The Poetical- works of Lord Byron. A new edition, 6 vols. Portrait. 8°. London, 1855—56. $.L.C..

    Card ID: 95

  • card

    Author: BYRON (George Gordon Noel)


    ‘S “7’M •r j C1’A Byron (George Gordon Noel) I3ron iron. [Works.] The Works of Lord Byron. A New, revised and enlarged edition, with i1].istrations. Poetry. . .edited [with a. bibliographyl by E. 1-I. Coleridge. (Letters nd Journals...edited by R. E. Prothero.) 13 vols. Portraits. 8. London, 1898—1904.

    Card ID: 97

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    Author: BYRON (George Gordon Noel)


    Byron (George Gordon Noel), Baron. rri. [Works.1 The Poetioal works of Lord Byron. Edited by M. Blind. (The Cnterburv Po.s..) 2 vols. 18°. Lonn & Filin—on—Iyne, 1905, 03 1. Misoellaneous poems. 2. Ohilde Harold; Don Juan.

    Card ID: 98

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    Author: BYRON (George Gordon Noel)


    — (Ic1%I &; kr ( , L Byron (George Gordon Noel), Baron Byron. CSraaller Collections.) Life and select ooerns of Lord Byron. Arranged &c. by C.Hulbert. pp. 84. Portrait. 8°. London, [1828.1 Presentation cpy signed by the_ditor.

    Card ID: 103

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    Author: BYRON (George Gordon Noel)


    Byron (George Gordon Noel), Baron Byrofl. [Smaller Coilectonsj Tales. [Containing:— The Giaour. The Bride of Abydos. The Corsair. Lara. The Seige of Corinth. Parisina.. Prisoner of Chillon. Beppo. Mazeppa. The Island.) 2 vols. [D.—L.L.j 12°. London, 18y7. Eaoh vo].une has a second engraved title—pae.

    Card ID: 105

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    Author: BYRON (George Gordon Wool)


    - -‘Jcix) t•: L, Byron (George Gordon Wool), Baron Byron. [Smaller con ections.] Dramaa. 2 vole. [D.-L.L.) 0 12 . London, 1837-40. With second, enved title-paes, both dated 183?.

    Card ID: 106

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    Author: BYRON (George Gordon Ne1)


    O’’) Byron (George Gordon Ne1), arçn Bvro. [Snialler Collectjons. Se1eoted poems of Lord Byron. (TWqr1i cOs. N. 180.). pp. x. + 438. 16g. 0xfori. t1913.J

    Card ID: 111

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    Author: BYRON (George Gordon Noel)


    Byron (George Gordon Noel), Baron Byron. [Smaller Collections.] Poems of Lord Byron. Selected and arranged in chronological order with a preface by H.J.C.Grieraon. pp. m. + 397. 8. London, 1923. .4

    Card ID: 112