BODLEY (Sir Thomas)
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Bodley (Sir Thomas).
Trecentale Boa.leianum: a memorial voiwne for the three hundredth anniversary of the public funeral of Sir Thomas Bod1y, March 29, 1613, etc. (Tudor and. Stuart I,ibrarr.) pp. xii. + 175. Frontisoiece.
8°. Oxford, 1913.
CONTENTS:— ‘i’he life of $ir Thomas Bodley, written by himself, 1609; Letter to the Vice—Chancellor offering to re-found the University Library, 1598; The first draft of the statutes for the public library; Extracts relating to the Bodlelan Library from the wi].1 of Sir Thomas Bodley; Cratio funebris habita in schola theo].ogica; Oratio funebris habita in Collegio Mertonenci; Letter to Sir Francis Baoon concerning his Cogitata
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