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BESSE (Joseph) (2)



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    Author: BESSE (Joseph)


    (‘ —, I — Besse (Joseph). A Collection of the sufferings of the people called Quakers, for the testimony of a good conscience, from the time of their being first distinguished by that name in the year 1650, to the time of...the Act of Toleration granted the year 1689. Taken from original records and other autbentick accouxits. 2 vols. fol. London, 1753.

    Card ID: 178

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    Author: BESSE (Joseph)


    Besse (Joseph). BOWNAS (Samuel). n Account of the life, travels, and Christian experiences in the work of the ministry of Samuel J3ownas. [Written by himself. With a preface by LBesse.) The Second edition. ndon, 1761. 4

    Card ID: 180